14 August 2007


morning phone call

If my phone rings in the morning on a work day, it is usually something important or someone who tried to get a hold of me for some time. So when the phone rang this morning, I jumped out from under the shower (graciously like an overweight fairy with a major hangover), and ran to the phone (leaving a wet trail behind).
This is how the call went (originally it was in Danish, though):
me (dripping water all over the place): "Hello?"
... static ...
me (a little louder, irritated and beginning to freeze): "Hello???"
the other: "Hello?"
me: "Yes?"
the other: "This is Marianne... (hesitating) ...Marius has a question for you."
me (seriously wondering): "Yes?"
Marianne: " What is water made of?"
me (totally overwhelmed): "... er ..."
my brain: "dig, burrow, rummage ... ah ... found it! ... er ... wrong language ... translate to Danish: oxygen ... translate to Danish: elektronegativ ...feed mouth following information: adfgjporem,b abafmhajoa,di...."
me (going on auto pilot): "adfgjporem,b abafmhajoa,di..."
my subconsciousness (to my brain): "Hey brain! Marius i 6 years old and has his first day of school on Thursday. He will not understand anything."
my brain (to my subconsciousness): "But his mother is on the phone!"
my subconsciousness (to my brain): "Yea, and she studied history and knows therefore exactly what you are talking about..."
my brain: "... er ..."
me (not longer receiving anything from my brain): "... er ..."
me (while my brain desperately tries to find an explanation that is understandable and will work over the phone): "... er ..."
Marianne (a little unsure): "So water is made of oxygen and hydrogen?"
me (grasping for the straw): "Yes, water is made of oxygen and hydrogen - twice as much hydrogen than oxygen."
Marianne (relieved): "Thank you! I will pass that on to Marius. I knew you would know something like that. Bye."

I better get a hold of Marius soon and explain to him what water is made of properly, and in a way that he can grasp the concept...


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