09 August 2007
One of those days...
This day started like one of those days that begin bad and turn worse. Waking at a quarter to three in the morning and not beeing able to go back to sleep tends to wreck my day before it even started. And yes, when it finaly was time to get up, I was so groggy that it took me over an hour to wake up sufficiently to waddle into the shower. It of course dindn't make me feel any better that people chattet at me and noting that I was up so early. (They mistook my beeing online for me beeing at work. I am usually online in the (early) morning reading the newspaper over my breakfast with a cup of tea. Today I was just very late in my daily routine and didn't even get to the newspaper....) I also cut myself twice while making and packing my lunch. :(
But, my day turned much better when I arrived at work and was greeted by Tina. :) It is amazing how one person can change your view of the world just by saying "hello".
Eduard was very suspicious of me when I came and talked to him this morning (at a quarter to three). He probably though something like: "what is that crazy human doing up in the middle of the night? What does she want?" He graciously allowed me to pat him - though only with one finger and only for a short while. ;)
But, my day turned much better when I arrived at work and was greeted by Tina. :) It is amazing how one person can change your view of the world just by saying "hello".
Eduard was very suspicious of me when I came and talked to him this morning (at a quarter to three). He probably though something like: "what is that crazy human doing up in the middle of the night? What does she want?" He graciously allowed me to pat him - though only with one finger and only for a short while. ;)
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