14 October 2007


301 books and many more

Today I've entered book number 301 in my catalogue at LibraryThing. I know that I have a lot of books, but still, I am amazed. Especially since I have mostly only entered the "easy" books. Those which I have read and are at my place right now. (Easy books are those which have an ISBN and pop up at once when you search for them on amazon.de or amazon.com...) There are still shelves of books I haven't even looked at in connection with LibraryThing.

Now that I think of this, I notice that I only ever counted shelves of books. And I am obviously not very good at counting. I count a little like a troll. I can count to 10 and then it's many, many many, many many many, etc. OK - let me try again... I have about (depending on how you count shelves) many many many many many many many many many many shelves of books.


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