03 August 2008
Books, Books, and Books
Today I finally managed to complete my BookMooch inventory update. I went back and added condition notes to all books and a little review to most of the book that didn't have one. I also synchronised my BookMooch inventory with my LibrayThing books tagged bookmooch me.
So now I have a few more things in order. :-)
So now I have a few more things in order. :-)
Labels: bookmooch, LibraryThing
24 May 2008
The Urge to Rant and Not Wanting to See the Positive Side of Things...
... at all!
Today I woke up without a headache, which is pretty nice after two days of almost-migraines. But boy - I am in a crappy mood!
I feel totally drained and just want to hang in front of the computer or stare at a wall. :-( And I don't think that I will leave the house again today. Although I had promised to go shopping for Anita. And I had planned to buy fabric for curtains. And I wanted to start on the project for Terese. And I promised to send the translated text to the digital guide to the Womens Museum. And I had planned to be active on Travian (an online game I am playing). And, and, and... Crap!
I have just been at the post office to post a BookMooch book to Sweden and pick up a package that arrived a few days ago. (Yes, Terese, it's the two Anita Blake books from BookMooch, and yes, you may pick them up tomorrow.) And I also stopped by the supermarket (the one next to the post office) and tried to buy something that I might possibly want to eat this weekend. This is a very taxing question at the moment. I can distinctively feel nausea and the urge to puke coming up with the thought of food and eating. At the same time I know that I am hungry and need to eat something. The only thing I can think of eating without getting sea sick are cucumbers. Not very nourishing... I can't even get nuts, chocolate or salmon patties down. I am definitely not well. :-/But, since I need to eat something I bought everything I usually hunger for. Except for beets. they didn't have any red beets. And I will not leave the house again. Not even for red beets. meh...
Hmm... I think, I will make some tea, launch some suicide attacks on Travian and do a lot of staring. And soak myself in lots of self pity. Until I feel some energy or creativity sneaking up on me. And I will do this all day long if I have to!
I feel totally drained and just want to hang in front of the computer or stare at a wall. :-( And I don't think that I will leave the house again today. Although I had promised to go shopping for Anita. And I had planned to buy fabric for curtains. And I wanted to start on the project for Terese. And I promised to send the translated text to the digital guide to the Womens Museum. And I had planned to be active on Travian (an online game I am playing). And, and, and... Crap!
I have just been at the post office to post a BookMooch book to Sweden and pick up a package that arrived a few days ago. (Yes, Terese, it's the two Anita Blake books from BookMooch, and yes, you may pick them up tomorrow.) And I also stopped by the supermarket (the one next to the post office) and tried to buy something that I might possibly want to eat this weekend. This is a very taxing question at the moment. I can distinctively feel nausea and the urge to puke coming up with the thought of food and eating. At the same time I know that I am hungry and need to eat something. The only thing I can think of eating without getting sea sick are cucumbers. Not very nourishing... I can't even get nuts, chocolate or salmon patties down. I am definitely not well. :-/But, since I need to eat something I bought everything I usually hunger for. Except for beets. they didn't have any red beets. And I will not leave the house again. Not even for red beets. meh...
Hmm... I think, I will make some tea, launch some suicide attacks on Travian and do a lot of staring. And soak myself in lots of self pity. Until I feel some energy or creativity sneaking up on me. And I will do this all day long if I have to!
Labels: bookmooch
19 April 2008
Disgruntled Mailman
I got another book package in the mail today. :-)
However, I suspect that my mailman is getting quite tired of having to haul my packages around. I greeted him today with a happy exclamation of "Ooh! More packages!" and received a very annoyed look...
Tell you the truth: I don't care! I got more books, the sun is shining, and Anne-Mette and I will go into town later. :-)
However, I suspect that my mailman is getting quite tired of having to haul my packages around. I greeted him today with a happy exclamation of "Ooh! More packages!" and received a very annoyed look...
Tell you the truth: I don't care! I got more books, the sun is shining, and Anne-Mette and I will go into town later. :-)
Labels: bookmooch
24 January 2008
Idling in front of the Computer
The last few days I used most of my time on either sleeping or idling in front of the computer. It is amazing how much time you can use doing "nothing". Well, actually, "nothing" amounted to quite a bit:
- I updated my "Blogs and Homepages" page with my favorite web-comics and new found sites. I especially like TubeClan which is a collection of more or less good YouTube videos.
- I have been updating my inventory on bookmooch and LibraryThing.
- I have been online gaming in three worlds simultaneously. I am getting addicted...
- I went amok on ebay - spending money I don't really have on books I don't know where to put. Maybe I should take up Terese's suggestion and start nailing my books to the ceiling. After all, I am not really sure any longer that buying more book shelves will solve my problem. Maybe it's time to move to a bigger apartment again?
- And last but not least - I have been watching tons of movies (which I also buy of the money I don't really have...).
All in all quite a lot. And fun. I don't regret anything. Especially not getting more books! ;-)
Labels: bookmooch, comics, LibraryThing
09 December 2007
Things I find in my Closet...
People who come to visit me are often stunned by the large number of books I own. I like books. Books are my friends. Most of my shelves are stuffed with books. Especially because I also consider throwing books away a capital crime. Unfortunately, I also started to accumulate quite a number of DVDs over the last year. So, no surprise, I ran out of shelf space. I have been thinking about all kinds of possible ways to sort out my problem (move to a bigger apartment, throw away things which are not books, put some books into storage, etc.). The solution I settled on was to buy some more boards to the shelves I already have, and make them fit (which involves different kinds of saws).
I don't know what made me look into my closet, but there, in the back most corner was one (already finished) board hiding, trying to look innocent. It is not in hiding any longer. It is not going to last, but right now all my books and DVDs fit neatly onto the shelves without being double stacked. I will savor the moment as long as it lasts. :-)
I don't know what made me look into my closet, but there, in the back most corner was one (already finished) board hiding, trying to look innocent. It is not in hiding any longer. It is not going to last, but right now all my books and DVDs fit neatly onto the shelves without being double stacked. I will savor the moment as long as it lasts. :-)
Labels: bookmooch, LibraryThing
15 October 2007
First Mooched Book Arrived
On Friday the first book I mooched arrived. I mooched "Artemis Fowl" from Finland. It was shipped with B mail and took 6 days to reach me. Many people have recommended "Artemis Fowl" to me, but I have always been hesitant to buy it. Therefore, it seemed the perfect choice of book to mooch. I'm still not sure if it is my kind of book, but now at least, I can set it on my inventory list at bookmooch if I decide that I don't like it.
Labels: bookmooch
09 August 2007
first book request from bookmooch
Today I received the first book request from bookmooch. Someone is actually interested in one of the books I don't like/read/need. :) I have a lot of books and am constantly running low on shelf space. Since I think it is a crime to throw books away, I decided to register the books which I know that I will not read again or want anymore at bookmooch. Hopefully some other person has use for one or two. And this morning a mail was waiting for me telling me a person in the USA would like my english-danish dictionary. I will send it tomorrow. :)
Labels: bookmooch
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